Fendi Peekaboo IseeU East-West
親愛的 Breeze 顧客
親愛的 Breeze 顧客
• 所有商品皆由實品拍攝, 因電腦顏色不同會有差距, 商品照品僅供參考, 以實品為主
• 本店有實體店面, 營業時間為周一至周六, 11:30am - 6:00pm, 所有商品參觀皆採預約制 Appointments Only! 預約專線:778-522-3148
• 每日均有收購以及寄賣服務, 歡迎來電親洽
• 以下聯絡方式均可與Breeze諮詢:
Wechat 微信: BreezeCleaner2
Tel: 778-522-3148
Dear Breeze Customers
• Please note this is a previously owned authentic item, therefore, some wear and imperfections may be present (Unless specified as a brand new item)
• Breeze is a Canadian local business that is located in Richmond, BC. Our store hour is Monday to Saturday from 1130am to 6pm
• Contact Breeze through the following methods if any of our luxury authenticated products do interests you
• Products are available to view in-store by Appointments Only!
Contact: 778-522-3148
WeChat: BreezeCleaner2